No Fault Reform: PIP Choice – Updated 7/10/2020 4:15PM
Option 1: Unlimited Coverage
This provides the most coverage and is what you currently carried in the state of Michigan prior to the New Michigan Insurance Law. It will pay for all allowable expenses for you, your care, rehabilitation, and recovery.
Option 2: Limited Coverage of $500,000
This is the most your insurance carrier will pay per person per accident for an insured person involved in an auto related accident under the PIP medical coverage.

Option 3: Limited Coverage of $250,000
This is the most your insurance carrier will pay per person per accident for an insured person involved in an auto related accident under the PIP medical coverage.
Option 4: Limited coverage of $250,000 with some exclusions
This option allows a named insured or resident relative to exclude PIP medical coverage provided they have qualified medical coverage that is not Medicare and has a deductible lower than $6,000. Anyone choosing to exclude will not have PIP medical coverage and must rely on their qualified medical coverage in the event of an auto related injury.
Option 5: Limited Coverage of $50,000
This is the most your auto insurance carrier will pay, per person, per accident, for the expenses tied to an auto related injury under PIP medical coverage. You can choose this option if you have Medicaid and your spouse and all resident relatives have qualified medical coverage, Medicaid, or coverage under another auto policy that includes PIP at an appropriate limit.
Option 6: No PIP Medical Coverage
This option is available if the named insured has coverage under Medicare Parts A, B and any spouse and all resident relatives have qualified medical coverage or are covered under another auto policy that includes PIP at an appropriate limit.
Be mindful of the limit you choose, and do not assume your other coverages like Health Insurance or Medicare will coverage all your expenses should you experience an auto related injury. Remember, these other policies may have excluded auto related injuries in the past.
For more information talk to your agent or call Michigan Insurance Group for Your New Quote!